Ketua mekanik sekutu adalah wakil ketua cabang untuk produksi cerdas dan industri robotik


On 12 November 2023, the Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics Industry Branch of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT) was established, with Mr. Tan Zhiming, Chairman of Lianrou Machinery, serving as Vice President.

The Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics Branch of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Guangdong University of Technology aims to promote and strengthen contact between alumni in the intelligent manufacturing industry, alumni and their alma mater, as well as alumni interested in entering the intelligent manufacturing industry in schools and alumni from around the world, and organise alumni to carry out multi-level exchange activities to enhance understanding, deepen friendship, help each other and promote unity, cooperation and common development.

Lianrou Machinery will cooperate with Guangdong University of Technology on a deeper level and from more angles, to deepen school-enterprise cooperation and joint innovation, and reach a higher level in the field of upholstery machinery and equipment and intelligent upholstery production.

Mr Tan Zhiming, Chairman of Lianrou Machinery, bearing in mind the identity of alumni, carries forward the spirit of the school motto of Guangdong University of Technology "Unity, diligence, pragmatism, innovation", takes pride in his alma mater, remembers the love of his alma mater and repays the kindness of his alma mater. Remembering the responsibility of private entrepreneurs, he will continue to innovate, devote himself to his work, operate lawfully, and repay society.

In recent years, Mr Tan Zhiming, Chairman of Lianrou Machinery, has led Lianrou Machinery to many achievements, including "National Specialized and Innovative Small and Medium-sized enterprises”, "National Green Factories" and "Guangdong Single Champion Enterprises". In the future, we will work with the Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics Industry Branch of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Guangdong University of Technology to develop and promote the progress of the industry.


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